She is an idealist, he is a realist.
She is ambitious, he is content.
She is sharp, he is industrious.
She is alluring, he is handsome.
She is a critic, he is a dreamer.
She is lofty, he is modest.
She is venturous, he is prudent.
She is creative, he is sporty.
They met four decades ago. It's been a meaningful relationship despite the usual ups and downs. Today they stand tall, proud of their accomplishments, their successes and as I, their daughter reflect upon their illustrious life, I am grateful for everything they have done for me.
Here's to you Maa and Bapi- Happy 48th Anniversary!
You have so eloquentky summarized what marriage is all about and how two people, who seem to be poles apart in a lot of things,complement each other and create magic in the union we all call marriage...Happy 48th anniversary to uncle/aunty :-)
Thank you so much Chints...will pass on your wishes to my folks.
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