Thursday, March 4, 2010



It was an uneventful pregnancy-peaceful and painless. I carried you effortlessly, dreamily with a perpetual glow on my face. I talked to you incessantly, I remember. I would wrap my arms tenderly around my growing belly, sway from one side to another. Just you and I, blissfully lost in the moment.

My love for you began the moment I saw the pink lines and grew deeper progressively. I couldn't wait to see you- your beautiful face, your smile, your twinkly eyes. I longed to hold you in my arms in a mother’s embrace, massage your tiny hands and toes, fill your ears with beautiful tunes. I contemplated about our future together and the promising journey we were embarking on.

That was 6 years ago. You arrived this day shrieking your lungs out, announcing your august presence, mesmerizing not just Papa and I but everyone with your purity and perfection. And perfect you are!

You are a parent’s dream. Uncomplicated just like when you were in my womb. Your laid back nature, easy going attitude, warmth and compassion are some of the gems that make you special.

You are a bright star in the night sky, the rays of the sunshine, the coolness of a breeze and as you celebrate your sixth year, please know that you are loved and that you make us immensely proud!

Happy Birthday Superhero!


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