Friday, May 29, 2009

Pre-K Graduation

He walks down the ramp carefully, scoping the audience for a familiar face.They are dressed in blue gowns with matching tasseled caps, a white satin sash around their necks signifying their achievement, the words printed in gold-Graduate 2009.

They line up on stage facing the auditorium full of eager, happy and proud parents, armed with cameras and videos capturing every moment, precious moments for posterity.

I sit on the the aisle close to the stage with A next to me, camera in my hands, ready to create memories of this eventful day. I make sure I savor every moment of this special day. As I watch him sing with his friends celebrating their years of friendship, paving the future that lies ahead of them, I find myself holding back tears-tears of joy, bittersweet tears only a mother can understand.

I trace quickly the years he has blessed us with. I remember him as a new born, crying his way into the world, announcing his arrival, his first steps, words, his difficult transition into day care, the day he stepped into boyhood and how he has blossomed into a confident,energetic, happy boy. A sensitive, expressive and generous boy who never fails to tell me how much he loves me.

As I watch him accept his diploma from his beloved teacher, I feel my heart swell with pride, joy and also in anticipation of what lays ahead. The future is indeed bright for him and as much as I look forward to watching him grow and experience life, a part of me wishes he remains a little boy forever.


the mad momma said...

this was an aww... post. congratulations. and yes, i want to lock them up in little boxes and not let them grow up...

Priyanka Rajkhowa said...


Congrtaulations to D and you!!