Friday, September 5, 2008

Shopping for India

Exactly three more weeks to go before I board a flight to Delhi. It has finally sunk in –this trip. Have been awfully busy the past few weeks to even think about it let alone start preparing for it. And preparations are underway now. I have started shopping – not necessarily something I enjoy doing but I do want to take some things for my immediate family and few friends. Not too many but at least one or two small gifts for the people who matter to me. Gifts they will love receiving. And that’s what makes this whole shopping business a nightmare. I have been scouring malls and stores the past few days but haven’t been successful. One would suggest, ‘why not ask them?’ Well, I did and have but the problem is, most don’t want anything. Out of politeness and consideration, they decline and advise me to buy nothing.

The truth is, you get everything in India nowadays. In fact, sometimes you get even better stuff or deals there. in India-now thats something I dont mind at all. Can't wait to raid Fab India and Anokhi. Malls and shopping centers are springing up like mushrooms even in small cities like Guwahati. People have access to quality goods and more importantly the spending power. Therefore, I am looking for gifts that they truly will appreciate no matter how small or inexpensive they are.

I have picked up a few things but have ways to go. I haven’t given up on prodding the recipients yet. I am still trying to get them to help me out a bit, give me some pointers as such. Even my nieces aren’t forthcoming with info this time around-what’s up with them ha? Usually, children don’t have qualms about telling you what they want but this time, they are just not cooperating! Maybe they feel sorry for their aunt since I will be traveling alone with a handful toddler. Yes, its only A and I. Hubby dear and D will follow us a week later. I dread to think about the trip and honestly, I try not to think about it because every time I do, I stress out. And I tell myself- it can’t be that bad! Will see what happens- 14 hours on a flight with an intractable kid. Oh, I shudder!

I digressed. Sorry!

Anyway, only two people were absolutely sure in terms of what they want me to bring for them-my parents. They always are and I love them for that.

My mom is a perfume lover. She collects perfumes-nice, expensive ones. As far as I can recall, on all her trips aboard, this was the only thing she would buy for herself. Not one, but several bottles of fancy perfumes. You will be find more perfumes in her closet that clothes. It is one of the things she cannot do without. And she wears them proudly and diligently, even now. So needless to say, that’s what she wants. Perfume for maa-check.

My dad on the other hand, my simple, sweet old Bapi, wants of all things- an ointment! A wart-stick, to be precise. He has had this callus on his foot for about two years now. It needs to be surgically removed but he has been postponing and honestly, has no intentions of doing so. After all, it is just a callus, nothing malignant, nothing to fret over. He is a surgeon, all right! On his last trip to the US, he carried back three tubes of this ointment and a few days ago, when I enquired if he wanted anything special, he promptly replied, “Yes, bring me some wart sticks. These sticks keep the callus from bothering me!” He is known for his odd yet practical requests. I have in the past carried for him denture cleaners, plant trimming shears, potato peelers, mini ice making bottles, medicine holder to name a few. So wart-sticks for Bapi, check!

With perfumes and wart-sticks off of my shopping list, I step out once again to look for something special, something small – for the rest of the gang!


Thinking Cramps said...

Hey, are you going to be in Delhi in mid October? I will be there between 14-18 October, so we could try and meet!!!

Thinking Cramps said...

Saw your comment - so I will miss meeting you! Oh well...some other time!