Wednesday, March 21, 2007

There was once a prince and a princess…

My hubby came home last evening with a picture of D with his favorite playmate, Cameron. The picture was taken at his day care by his teachers. He dressed as a fireman minus the hat and she as a princess with a banana in her hand (don’t ask me what the banana signifies!) I think it was taken around their snack time, hence the banana. I can’t help but admit, what a STRIKING couple they make! With their beaming smiles, they both looked totally uninhibited. I know that D is not at all camera shy, at least when we take pictures at home and Cameron too seemed very comfortable. It is probably one of the cutest pictures I have seen of two little friends. I got so caught up by the beauty of it that for a brief moment, I transported myself to the future and envisioned D on his wedding day with the love of his life!! I know, I know, I need to give him a break. Only 3 years old and I am already dreaming of his wedding. Totally absurd! But occasionally I am allowed to take such liberties, am I not? Let my imagination go wild.....

Anyway, this is how D explained the photo to me:

Mama, see, that’s Cameron (pointing to her in the photo) as a princess and that’s me, as an office.
Eh? Office?
Yes, office, Mama!
D, you mean officer?
Oh..OK, officer!
So, did you have fun?
Yes, I am big boy now. I am an office!

Well D, office or officer, you surely looked dandy and again, we are proud of you!

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