Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Just some thoughts.....

I wish I could write regularly like many other bloggers out there. I wish I had thoughts flowing freely to me. Writing does not come easy to me. I have to work at it. I do believe that it requires practice, something I have to work on. I enjoy reading other people’s thoughts and ideas and often catch myself thinking, “Hmm, why didn’t I think of that?”
Or “Why didn’t I express it succinctly as so and so has?”
I would love to improve my vocabulary. English is such a fascinating language and it is ever expanding. There is no end to new words that keep popping up every other day! I subscribe to ‘Wordsmith’ and I have the online Webster’s dictionary as one of my favorites just so I can learn and pick up a new word. I try to use a new word in my communication but more often than not, it doesn’t happen. By the way, this is one of the many advices I got from my father growing up. To put to use what you learn! He only learned English when he was in England completing his surgery fellowship. At the age of 30! And he owes it to one of the nurses in the hospital he worked. She apparently took it upon her to teach this lad from a small town in NE India a few common words, phrases and more importantly grammar! And of course, he diligently subscribed to the dictionary whenever possible. And as they say, the rest is history. Now I consider my father to be a well spoken man. He does have an accent like many, but his English, especially written is flawless. Even now, whenever, we get together, there will be moments when we test each other’s vocabulary and we have fun doing so!

Both my parents were quite fond of reading and even now, at their age, they try to read whenever they can. May be not as much as they used to. I remember growing up, we had a vast collection of books ranging from P. G. Wodehouse to Arthur Hailey to Frederick Forsyth, books they picked up on their innumerable trips and journeys. Both of them are writers too. My mom's writings have been and still get published in local newspapers and magazines. She is also a proud author of an Assamese book based on psychiatry and the intricacies of the mind. My father is currently writing on 'soccer' or 'football' as its known in India based on his experiences as a renowned footballer in his heydays, which he hopes to get published in the near future.
Thus, as you can see, writing is a shared hobby in my family. It is indeed a noble hobby and a skill to possess. And I am glad I am trying my hand at it. It is a wonderful way to keep track of one's thoughts, opinions, observations, ideas and even frustrations. But more importantly, it is a medium for expression. My father, if not anyone else, will be the happeist to see this blog as he has always been after me to develop this habit. Quite relentless, if I may say!

I do not consider myself to be a voracious reader but I do try to read one or two books over a couple of months. Of course, with two kids now, it is becoming a luxury or quite difficult to afford the time to catch up on some reading. I have a few that I bought on Amazon that are still lying on my night stand waiting to be read! I hope to get started on them soon.
My dream is to have a study with an in-built wall to wall library. Someday. That would be an ultimate retreat spot for me. After a hard day’s work, there is nothing like a nice glass of wine, some music and a great book in hand! Just the thought of it makes me smile!

Anyway, I hope to continue with this blog as long as I can. And I hope to regularly update it with my thoughts and experiences. I know for certain, this would be something that I will keep coming to whenever nostalgia creeps in. Just so I can relive some moments of my life. And what could be a better way than going through some of my old thoughts and memories reflected in these pages.

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