Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Potty Triumph!

February 18th will go down into the family history book as one of the significant days! D finally took a 'dump' in the potty. For the first time! In the past couple of months, we have been relentlessly trying to get him to use the potty but to no avail. Stickers, bunny stamps, books, candy, even self-demonstrations on some occasions failed to get him motivated!

But on Sunday, I have no idea what clicked but it did and he decided to sit on the toilet! And poop! Hallelujah!

I can't tell you how thrilled we were to see him cross this hurdle. I had almost given up and was envisioning him attending college in diapers! Really! Gosh, potty training is such a tiresome job. We still have some ways to go but this was a tremendous accomplishment and a huge relief for us!

His reward: a Spider man sticker and some gummy bears. He was over the moon! And this is what he had to say:

"Mama, I am big boy now. I want underpants. 'Spider man' underpants. No, 'Superman' underpants. No 'Curious George' Underpants. And I want 'bo-hoot' (many) stickers.

Proud of you D. Hope you continue to be a 'big' boy and do not regress!

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