Sunday, February 11, 2007

Life's Firsts

There are so many firsts in life...first school, job, house, car...... the list is endless. Of all my firsts, I think the one that is most dear and will always hold a special place in my heart is my first born!
The moment he arrived, I knew our lives were going to change.
Change, for the better.
His little presence added more richness to our lives. His smile, hope and promise. Each day with him is a new day and we watch with wonderment as he grows. This does not mean that I don't feel the same for my second child, but somehow, first always seems to be somewhat more special!

Sadly, I have not been keeping track of his 'firsts' diligently but the 'first' we had yesterday was something to write about.

D's first cinematic experience!

This is actually his second time. The first time doesn't count as it lasted only 20 minutes after which both my hubby and I had to leave!
Yesterday, I took him to watch 'Charlotte's web' and surprisingly, he did quite well. I think it was the animals, especially little Wilbur and Charlotte and of course, the added benefit of buttery popcorn and Sprite, all played to its advantage. He did start to get a little impatient towards the end of the movie but before his attention could wane and his frustration peak, the movie ended. Thank Heavens!
While watching Charlotte and the barn animals plot against sending Wilbur to the 'smoke house', D didn't fail to mention to me that he would now need the book as well as the DVD. I was more involved in him than the movie. Despite my understandable skepticism, it was a sheer joy to watch this 3 year old. His eyes shone with excitement and fascination. He was completely mesmerized by the size of the screen and how big everything seemed. A truly wondrous sight!

Interestingly, this month of February has been the month of firsts for him. Last weekend, he made his first trip to the local library and was very pleased to see his own library card. While there, he did try my patience by being a tad bit disobedient but I decided to cut him some slack considering it was his first visit. He brought home 4 books and we have been reading them every evening, at least 2-3 times. Last night, he looked at them and said, "Mama, I need more books. From the library. OK?"

As I looked at him, I am amazed at how fast he is growing and what a precious and significant piece of my life he has become.

And I, without a doubt in my mind, look forward to sharing with him not just 'firsts' but 'seconds' and 'thirds' in the years to come.

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