Mama, why are you married to Papa? A asks last night as we go looking for Hubby Dear’s birthday gift.
Because I love him.
Why? Who will you get married to? I ask, now curious.
I am not going to get married to anyone, replies my 3 year old haughtily.
No? Why not?
Because I will get married to me. I LIKE ME VELLY MUCH.
Upon asking D why he enjoys watching TV so much, he says with a sneaky grin on his face, Mama, I watch TV because it gives me information about what’s going on all over the world. That’s why. Not for any other reason.
Guilt showing all over his face.
Sonny boy, I am not sure how much Tom and Jerry or Mr. SpongeBob can help you with global updates.
The kind of confidence little A is oozing at age three is amazing and adorable at the same time!!
@chnits: it kinda scary too...i see defiance rearing its ugly head!
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