Thursday, February 12, 2009


was perhaps one of the most disappointing days of my life. I spent the entire afternoon at an allergist office, being poked and injected with countless serums, allergens. I almost passed out when I saw those gnarly bumps and welts all over my back and arms.

Yes, I have ALLERGIES.

Not something that I had anticipated at all. All these years, I blamed my poor sinuses, the darn deviated septum for the severe congestions I get but not allergens.

I am allergic to ...hold your breadth, as the list is quite unexpected.

TREES!!! Almost every name it, I allergic to it. Oak, pine, sycamore, maple, poplar....the list goes on and on.

Dogs. There goes our plan of gifting the kids with one. The doctor suggested that I should explain to the kids why we won't be getting one...'you see, mommy will be terribly sick if we get a dog'. I am not sure who will be more disappointed, them or me.

Weeds. Several types of weed.

Grass. Why GRASS??? Give me a break!

What else is left? Why don't we throw in a couple more, including people and make my life even better. I am so f..... pissed.

Just the other day, I was telling Hubby dear my plans for our yard this spring and as you can see, this has put a damper on my plans. I had a awfully long year of suffering because of this irritable congestion and now this is something I will have to live with. There is NO cure for this except to live on medications for the rest of my life or undergo immunotherapy. The doctor gave me a folder full of information and talked me through the options available to me. I will probably end up taking shots, not one but three every month to live a symptom-free life. Something I need to weigh in before I make my choice.

Allergies are not uncommon- over 50 million people in the US suffer from them. It's more prevalent in kids than adults and I was hoping to be one of those lucky adults. But I guess not. I am sure I will deal with this and learn to live and adjust but what's most disappointing is that this is another health 'issue' that's been added to my already existing list of microconditions.


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