Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fancy Schmancy Underwear

Mama, how come your underwear don’t have pictures on them?

Don’t ask me how we got to discussing underwear but this is my 4 year old’s solution to plain looking underwear.

Mama, don’t worry (you would think I was moping for not possessing any underwear with fictional charcters on em), I will get underwear with pictures for you, OK.
I will get you Cinderella, Dora, Princesses, Spider –Girl…just like I have Buzz Light Year and Batman and….Cars….and…Spongebob Squarepants (he actually does have all of them. Clearly, I went wayyyyy overboard!)
And I will get them for you when you become little. I will just go to the store and get you some. OK?
When you become little, just like me. OK?
OK…my little man!

1 comment:

the mad momma said...

awww.. the kind little sweetheart... well loko what you got - offer for fancier underwear
2. feedback that your current underwear is boring (maybe you rhusband put him up to this!)
3. the knowledge that you have this generous little soul who is looking out for you!