Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It's not nagging-just difference in personalities!

I didn’t think I nagged. But last night, I was told otherwise by my loving husband. I was pretty pissed when I heard it. I NEVER thought I nagged. Well, who am I kidding? After much thought and contemplation, I realized that I do. I don’t want to justify why I nag but after yesterday…I am certainly going to be mindful about it.

Hubby dear thinks that I am always pointing out the faults in him and I don’t appreciate what he does for me as well as the kids. The first part is somewhat correct. I do have the tendency to focus on some of his weaker points but the latter is absolutely wrong. I appreciate him for everything he does. I may not verbalize it often, but hey, he doesn’t either! So it is a fair game, right!

He told me yesterday that there were a couple of times when he had been quite pissed with me but never uttered or complained about them. While I complain and rant whenever I have an issue. Well, let’s face it- who is the extrovert? I AM! Therefore, I have a tendency to be vocal. I have no qualms of expressing my annoyance and in letting people know if they frustrate or irk me. That’s who I am and if you don’t like it, too bad!

He is the kind of person who will keep most things (especially his frustrations, anger) to himself. That’s who he is…I can’t change him into something else. But I wish he talked about his emotions instead of bottling them up. Things would be so much simpler and easier for him as well as for me. At least I will know what he is going through and how much of a part I played in it. Besides, I don't mind a fight or two! It is healthy, after all, right?

Anyway he did that yesterday and although I was pretty taken aback by his reaction, I am glad he said whatever he did. He let it out of his system and I am pretty certain he feels much better now.

Another fight after a long time. We are not a quarrelsome couple and I am thankful for that. But sometimes we do need to butt heads just to take some load off and feel lighter and better!

And of course, it brings us even closer as a couple.

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