Thursday, June 10, 2010

Goodbye Kindergarten

D ‘s last day before the summer break is fast approaching. This week has been packed with countless fun activities like bubble gum day, beach day, bubbles day, favorite book day to name a few. Lately, he’s been on a high, enjoying every moment of school. The idea of moving to first grade has finally dawned on him and one can easily discern the excitement in him about moving up. For him, it an indication that he is getting bigger and he ‘thinks’ he will get to do big boy stuff. Yep, he ‘thinks’. It's no secret-he is in a hurry to get “big”.

It has also dawned on him, to his chagrin and utter disappointment, that Ms. Smith may no longer be his class teacher. He adores his teacher. Try saying anything against her and his protective fangs come out. He listens to her more than he listens to us. Not sure if this is something we are thrilled about but I suppose it’s one of those battles that we can afford to not win. D is not alone in sharing this sentiment. His classmates too enjoy her and I am certain will be equally sad not to have her as the class teacher in their new grade.

Last night, he sat down to draw a card for his favorite teacher. He drew a pretty picture of a rainbow-bright, cheery and colorful and on the inside, he wrote a special message for her:

Dear Ms. Smith.
Thank you for being a great teacher. I will miss you a lot.

He neatly tucked his creation into his school folder among other things as he got his bag ready and said, You know mama, I think Ms. Smith will like this card and I think she will miss me too.

I couldn’t help but smile and marvel at my 6 year old’s compassion and confidence. Moments like this remind me how blessed I am that he is my son, my creation, an extension of me.

And just as he will miss his teacher, she will miss him too. Perhaps, even more.

1 comment:

Priyanka Rajkhowa said...

Time flies , doesn't it !! Very clearly remember checking out pics of D heading out for his first day at school !