Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Mama, do you want to hear a story, asked D during dinner time.

Yes, of course.

OK, here it goes....

It is A's birthday. She wakes up, has breakfast. Just then there is a knock on the door (he raps the wood with his small knuckles to make the sound).

A says...who could it be and opens the door.

It is Anjali.

A is happy and they both have a lot of fun.

Then there is another knock on the door.

A says, who could it be this time?

Anjali opens the door and it is Daniel

Anjali, Daniel and A have a lot of fun.

Just then, there is another knock on the door.

A says, who could it be this time?

Daniel opens the door and it is Josa, Atul, Clara, David...everyone.

They all have more parties and fun and they live happily ever after.

The end!

A, hearing her brother's story decides to tell her own..

Mama, now this is my story.

Knock knock on the door.

My friends come.

The end!


Unknown said...

But of course.Isn't brevity the soul of wit.A will be a master short story teller :-)

Suku said...

yes indeed and u r right..she will be masterful- she is already quite animated even when she is not telling a story.