Monday, July 14, 2008

Story Time and Boobies (again!)

Mama, can I tell you a story?

Sure, sweets.

A couple of girls were in a car and they were going on the road
Then they died…


No, they didn’t die, they became flat.


Yes, they got flat because they were run over by another car

And then they died.

Oh D, let’s not talk about dying.

No mama, listen…I am not done yet.

They ‘actually’ didn’t die. You know why?


Because I came and rescued them.

I fly and I rescue them. Just like Superman. I am Superman and I am strong!

This is after he got into his Superman costume – the first thing he did after he woke up yesterday. He was completely on a ‘superhero’ mode. Jumping off chairs, couches, tables, lifting his sister, rapping her on her head, pulling her away from the ‘building on fire’, teaming with Spider –girl a.k.a his sister.

I thought he was done with superheroes. Clearly, I was wrong!


Mama I want boobies.
You have nipples sweetie. And boys don’t have boobies.
Yes they do. Papa has boobies. (To Hubby dear’s chagrin!)
Papa doesn’t have boobies, baby. He has muscles on his body.
Then I want muscles too so I can have boobies.
Then I will be so strong, I will rescue the world.

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