Tuesday, March 11, 2008


D: Mama I miss Koka and Aita (grandparents)
I also miss…
Bapi Koka
Eamon Mama
Sumon Mama
Sudip Mama…

Hey Mama, that’s rhymes …Sudip Mama and Mama, you!
Isn’t that fun?

I thought he is through with Spider man when this morning, while getting him ready he said:

Mama, I am done with Spider man
Really? Are you sure? (quite surprised!)
Yes, Mama. I am done…

Until later when he said this on our way to his day care…

You know Mama, some people are good and some people are bad.
Yes D, stay away from bad people OK. Be careful of strangers.
Oh, don’t worry Mama. I will use my web.

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